153 research outputs found

    A Survey of Mobile Edge Computing in the Industrial Internet

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    With the advent of a new round of the Industrial Revolution, the Industrial Internet will carry the convergence of heterogeneous network and the dynamic reconfiguration of industrial equipment. In order to further provide higher performance of network capabilities, the Industrial Internet has experienced unprecedented growth while facing enormous challenges from the actual needs of industrial networks. The typical scenarios in industrial applications, combined with the technical advantages of mobile edge computing, are described in view of the low latency, high bandwidth and high reliability demanded by the Industrial Internet in the new era. The key technologies of mobile edge computing for the Industrial Internet have been outlined in this treatise, whose feasibility and importance are demonstrated by typical industrial applications that have been deployed. As combined with the development trend of the Industrial Internet, this paper summarizes the existing work and discusses the future research direction of key technologies of mobile edge computing for the Industrial Internet.Comment: 2019 The 7th International Conference on Information, Communication and Network

    RAHNet: Retrieval Augmented Hybrid Network for Long-tailed Graph Classification

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    Graph classification is a crucial task in many real-world multimedia applications, where graphs can represent various multimedia data types such as images, videos, and social networks. Previous efforts have applied graph neural networks (GNNs) in balanced situations where the class distribution is balanced. However, real-world data typically exhibit long-tailed class distributions, resulting in a bias towards the head classes when using GNNs and limited generalization ability over the tail classes. Recent approaches mainly focus on re-balancing different classes during model training, which fails to explicitly introduce new knowledge and sacrifices the performance of the head classes. To address these drawbacks, we propose a novel framework called Retrieval Augmented Hybrid Network (RAHNet) to jointly learn a robust feature extractor and an unbiased classifier in a decoupled manner. In the feature extractor training stage, we develop a graph retrieval module to search for relevant graphs that directly enrich the intra-class diversity for the tail classes. Moreover, we innovatively optimize a category-centered supervised contrastive loss to obtain discriminative representations, which is more suitable for long-tailed scenarios. In the classifier fine-tuning stage, we balance the classifier weights with two weight regularization techniques, i.e., Max-norm and weight decay. Experiments on various popular benchmarks verify the superiority of the proposed method against state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted by the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 202

    A Diffusion model for POI recommendation

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    Next Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation is a critical task in location-based services that aim to provide personalized suggestions for the user's next destination. Previous works on POI recommendation have laid focused on modeling the user's spatial preference. However, existing works that leverage spatial information are only based on the aggregation of users' previous visited positions, which discourages the model from recommending POIs in novel areas. This trait of position-based methods will harm the model's performance in many situations. Additionally, incorporating sequential information into the user's spatial preference remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose Diff-POI: a Diffusion-based model that samples the user's spatial preference for the next POI recommendation. Inspired by the wide application of diffusion algorithm in sampling from distributions, Diff-POI encodes the user's visiting sequence and spatial character with two tailor-designed graph encoding modules, followed by a diffusion-based sampling strategy to explore the user's spatial visiting trends. We leverage the diffusion process and its reversed form to sample from the posterior distribution and optimized the corresponding score function. We design a joint training and inference framework to optimize and evaluate the proposed Diff-POI. Extensive experiments on four real-world POI recommendation datasets demonstrate the superiority of our Diff-POI over state-of-the-art baseline methods. Further ablation and parameter studies on Diff-POI reveal the functionality and effectiveness of the proposed diffusion-based sampling strategy for addressing the limitations of existing methods

    ALEX: Towards Effective Graph Transfer Learning with Noisy Labels

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered considerable interest due to their exceptional performance in a wide range of graph machine learning tasks. Nevertheless, the majority of GNN-based approaches have been examined using well-annotated benchmark datasets, leading to suboptimal performance in real-world graph learning scenarios. To bridge this gap, the present paper investigates the problem of graph transfer learning in the presence of label noise, which transfers knowledge from a noisy source graph to an unlabeled target graph. We introduce a novel technique termed Balance Alignment and Information-aware Examination (ALEX) to address this challenge. ALEX first employs singular value decomposition to generate different views with crucial structural semantics, which help provide robust node representations using graph contrastive learning. To mitigate both label shift and domain shift, we estimate a prior distribution to build subgraphs with balanced label distributions. Building on this foundation, an adversarial domain discriminator is incorporated for the implicit domain alignment of complex multi-modal distributions. Furthermore, we project node representations into a different space, optimizing the mutual information between the projected features and labels. Subsequently, the inconsistency of similarity structures is evaluated to identify noisy samples with potential overfitting. Comprehensive experiments on various benchmark datasets substantiate the outstanding superiority of the proposed ALEX in different settings.Comment: Accepted by the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM) 202

    PolyCF: Towards the Optimal Spectral Graph Filters for Collaborative Filtering

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    Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a pivotal research area in recommender systems that capitalizes on collaborative similarities between users and items to provide personalized recommendations. With the remarkable achievements of node embedding-based Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), we explore the upper bounds of expressiveness inherent to embedding-based methodologies and tackle the challenges by reframing the CF task as a graph signal processing problem. To this end, we propose PolyCF, a flexible graph signal filter that leverages polynomial graph filters to process interaction signals. PolyCF exhibits the capability to capture spectral features across multiple eigenspaces through a series of Generalized Gram filters and is able to approximate the optimal polynomial response function for recovering missing interactions. A graph optimization objective and a pair-wise ranking objective are jointly used to optimize the parameters of the convolution kernel. Experiments on three widely adopted datasets demonstrate the superiority of PolyCF over current state-of-the-art CF methods. Moreover, comprehensive studies empirically validate each component's efficacy in the proposed PolyCF

    Proof of User Similarity: the Spatial Measurer of Blockchain

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    Although proof of work (PoW) consensus dominates the current blockchain-based systems mostly, it has always been criticized for the uneconomic brute-force calculation. As alternatives, energy-conservation and energy-recycling mechanisms heaved in sight. In this paper, we propose proof of user similarity (PoUS), a distinct energy-recycling consensus mechanism, harnessing the valuable computing power to calculate the similarities of users, and enact the calculation results into the packing rule. However, the expensive calculation required in PoUS challenges miners in participating, and may induce plagiarism and lying risks. To resolve these issues, PoUS embraces the best-effort schema by allowing miners to compute partially. Besides, a voting mechanism based on the two-parties computation and Bayesian truth serum is proposed to guarantee privacy-preserved voting and truthful reports. Noticeably, PoUS distinguishes itself in recycling the computing power back to blockchain since it turns the resource wastage to facilitate refined cohort analysis of users, serving as the spatial measurer and enabling a searchable blockchain. We build a prototype of PoUS and compare its performance with PoW. The results show that PoUS outperforms PoW in achieving an average TPS improvement of 24.01% and an average confirmation latency reduction of 43.64%. Besides, PoUS functions well in mirroring the spatial information of users, with negligible computation time and communication cost.Comment: 12 pages,10 figure

    Kernel-based Substructure Exploration for Next POI Recommendation

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    Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation, which benefits from the proliferation of GPS-enabled devices and location-based social networks (LBSNs), plays an increasingly important role in recommender systems. It aims to provide users with the convenience to discover their interested places to visit based on previous visits and current status. Most existing methods usually merely leverage recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to explore sequential influences for recommendation. Despite the effectiveness, these methods not only neglect topological geographical influences among POIs, but also fail to model high-order sequential substructures. To tackle the above issues, we propose a Kernel-Based Graph Neural Network (KBGNN) for next POI recommendation, which combines the characteristics of both geographical and sequential influences in a collaborative way. KBGNN consists of a geographical module and a sequential module. On the one hand, we construct a geographical graph and leverage a message passing neural network to capture the topological geographical influences. On the other hand, we explore high-order sequential substructures in the user-aware sequential graph using a graph kernel neural network to capture user preferences. Finally, a consistency learning framework is introduced to jointly incorporate geographical and sequential information extracted from two separate graphs. In this way, the two modules effectively exchange knowledge to mutually enhance each other. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world LBSN datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method over the state-of-the-arts. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Fang6ang/KBGNN.Comment: Accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 202

    Redundancy-Free Self-Supervised Relational Learning for Graph Clustering

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    Graph clustering, which learns the node representations for effective cluster assignments, is a fundamental yet challenging task in data analysis and has received considerable attention accompanied by graph neural networks in recent years. However, most existing methods overlook the inherent relational information among the non-independent and non-identically distributed nodes in a graph. Due to the lack of exploration of relational attributes, the semantic information of the graph-structured data fails to be fully exploited which leads to poor clustering performance. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised deep graph clustering method named Relational Redundancy-Free Graph Clustering (R2^2FGC) to tackle the problem. It extracts the attribute- and structure-level relational information from both global and local views based on an autoencoder and a graph autoencoder. To obtain effective representations of the semantic information, we preserve the consistent relation among augmented nodes, whereas the redundant relation is further reduced for learning discriminative embeddings. In addition, a simple yet valid strategy is utilized to alleviate the over-smoothing issue. Extensive experiments are performed on widely used benchmark datasets to validate the superiority of our R2^2FGC over state-of-the-art baselines. Our codes are available at https://github.com/yisiyu95/R2FGC.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS 2024